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سفير مصر بالجزائر يعود للقاهرة “للتشاور”

Triple impact and female kickboxing  

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  1. Triple Impact (Muay Thai match)


    52 sec – 22 Aug 2007 –
    Rated 2.8 out of 5.0

    Julie Webb (Babydoll Riley) finds herself in a women’s Thai match and she’s losing rather badly. With the help of Dave Masters (Apollo Cook), Julie videos

  2. Triple Impace – Calgary, Canada 29th January 2006

    29 Jan 2006 The Calgary Amateur Kickboxing & MuayThai Association produced another completely sold out show with their ‘Triple Impact‘ event scheduled for January 28th, …. this was the only female bout of the evening.…/tripleimpactcanada29january2006.html – CachedSimilar
  3. Bridgett Riley – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

نجلا الرئيس مبارك، علاء وجمال، كانا ضمن مشجعي المنتخب المصري بمباراة الخرطوم

نجلا الرئيس مبارك، علاء وجمال، كانا ضمن مشجعي المنتخب المصري بمباراة الخرطوم

القاهرة، مصر (CNN)– أعلنت وزارة الخارجية المصرية الأحد، أن سفير مصر لدى الجزائر عبد العزيز سيف النصر، عاد إلى القاهرة مساء السبت بعد استدعائه “للتشاور”،، وقدم تقريراً لوزير الخارجية أحمد أبو الغيط، حول “الاعتداءات” التي تعرض لها مصريون بالجزائر.

وقال المتحدث باسم وزارة الخارجية، حسام زكي، إن “التقرير أوضح ملابسات الاعتداءات التي تعرضت لها بعض المؤسسات والشركات المصرية بالجزائر، وما تعرض له عدد من المصريين هناك، من عمليات تخويف وترويع”، في أعقاب المواجهة بين منتخبي البلدين، ضمن التصفيات المؤهلة لكأس العالم.

ونقلت وكالة أنباء الشرق الأوسط أن السفير سيف النصر “تلقى عدة توجيهات في هذا الصدد، من وزير الخارجية”، مشيرة إلى أن الوزير وجه مجدداً بـ”تسخير كافة إمكانيات السفارة للتواصل بشكل مستمر مع أعضاء الجالية المصرية في كافة أنحاء الجزائر، بهدف معالجة أية مشكلات يتعرضون لها.”

وكانت الخارجية المصرية قد استدعت سفير الجزائر بالقاهرة عبد القادر حجار الخميس، لتقديم “احتجاج شديد اللهجة”، كما أبلغته “استياء مصر البالغ من الاعتداءات التي تعرض لها المواطنون المصريون الذين توجهوا إلى الخرطوم لتشجيع الفريق المصري على أيدي المشجعين الجزائريين.”

ووصفت القاهرة “الاعتداءات” على المشجعين المصريين لمنتخبهم الوطني لكرة القدم في السودان، وعلى المصالح المصرية في الجزائر، بـ”الوحشية.”

وكان الرئيس المصري حسني مبارك قد خصص غالبية خطابه أمام البرلمان السبت، للحديث عن “الاعتداءات” التي تعرض لها عدد من المصريين، قائلاً إن “مصر لن تتهاون مع من يسيء إلى أبنائها”، مؤكداً أن “حماية المصريين في الخارج هي مسؤولية الدولة.”

وفي وقت سابق، كلف مبارك الوزير أبو الغيط، باستدعاء سفير الجزائر بالقاهرة، حيث نقل إليه مطالبة مصر للجزائر بأن تتحمل مسؤولياتها في حماية المواطنين المصريين الموجودين على أراضيها، ومختلف المنشآت والمصالح المصرية بالجزائر.


وتأهل المنتخب الجزائري لبطولة كأس العالم “جنوب أفريقيا 2010″، بعد فوزه على نظيره المصري بهدف دون رد، في المباراة الفاصلة التي جمعتهما بالخرطوم الأربعاء الماضي، والتي جاءت بعد أيام على فوز منتخب مصر على نظيره الجزائري بهدفين نظيفين بالقاهرة، مما اضطر المنتخبين للجوء إلى مباراة فاصلة.

وشهد حي “الزمالك” الشهير بالقاهرة مظاهرات غاضبة مساء الخميس الماضي، أمام مقر السفارة الجزائرية، احتجاجاً على “الاعتداءات” التي تعرض لها مصريون في الخرطوم والجزائر.

Womens International


Sandra Bastian
(Calgary CAN)

Anna Zucchelli

WIN Sandra Bastian

Bastian vs Zucchelli

In a battle featuring two of the top female athletes in the world, Canada’s Sandra Heart Bastian squared off against Britain’s Anna The Ginger Warrior Zucchelli. Zucchelli was coming off winning the IFMA European Championships in Latvia in May. The bout opened with Zucchelli spending most of her time delivering probing low tiips at Bastian’s lead knee. Though none landed successfully, Zucchelli was to continue to attempt to apply pressure at the Canadian. During the first round Zuchelli was to throw long range kicks that appeared to have her holding back on her power. In the first clinch of the two athletes, Zuccelli managed to spin and dump Bastian to the canvas – only once during the match. At the end of the first round Bastian was to admit that she had seriously injured her shoulder, and after the fight it was confirmed to be a torn muscle grouping.

The remainder of the fight see-sawed back and forth between the two athletes. Zucchelli continued to try and move forward, and surprisingly it appeared her power did not increase in her kicks. Bastian did not have her usual pizzazz in this bout and spent most of her time counter striking. The opening of the bout appeared stronger for the British girl, while the last rounds appeared more successful for the Canadian. The decision went to Bastian.

“I do not mean to sound terrible, but both of the two athletes looked like they were ‘off’ on this day. Neither athlete appeared to carry power in their shots. The decision surprised me because personally, I felt that Zucchelli could have swung the bout had she come up with a heartier performance. However, the officials scored it differently. All of these officials have participated in judging seminars conducted by the UK’s Tony Myers, so they understand the scoring system as well. Mr. Judd protested the decision, and I feel that as a coach he did the right thing. Regardless of the outcome of the bout, these two athletes will have to meet again, as I am sure Zucchelli wants revenge and I know Sandra will want to redeem herself as well. Fullest respect to Anna Zucchelli and her coach Bill Judd”, said Bastian’s coach Mike Miles.

  • Triple Impact Leaders Program for creating and managing change in

    Triple Impact Leadership is a program designed for organization–wide impact. It takes leadership teams on a journey during which they will learn to (1) use – CachedSimilar
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    Triple Impact
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    Triple Impact Photography is a Proud Provider of The Best Quality Action Shots and Cheap Deal Quality Photos.We provide your Sydney local Sports Clubs with – CachedSimilar
  • Social Capital Markets 09: Towards Triple Impact | Blog

  • U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged Asia’s biggest security community on Thursday to keep the pressure on North Korea to end its nuclear program and enforce U.N. sanctions against the reclusive state.

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    Reining in North Korea’s nuclear program, counter-terrorism cooperation and maritime security took center stage at Asia’s premier annual security gathering, the ASEAN Regional Forum.

    Myanmar was also in the spotlight after Clinton on Wednesday said Washington was concerned about the possible transfer of nuclear technology from North Korea to the military junta, Reuters reports.

    “North Korea must end its pursuit of nuclear weapons and fulfil its pledges. North Korea’s response in turn has been more threatening behaviour,” Clinton told the 26-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations Regional Forum (ARF).

    Last week, in line with resolution 1874, the Security Council slapped sanctions on five individuals and five entities from North Korea known to be involved in Pyongyang’s banned nuclear and ballistic missile activities.

    Japanese officials at the forum confirmed that Tokyo would freeze all their assets in Japan on Friday.

    Clinton was expected to outline a new approach to Pyongyang later Thursday, including a bid to tempt the North into “full and verifiable denuclearisation” with “significant energy and economic assistance.”

    But according to Seoul’s Yonhap news agency a North Korean delegate at the talks attacked Washington’s “deep-rooted hostile policy” and vowed no dialogue until it changes, AFP reports.

    Bristling at being described by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as behaving like an unruly child, North Korea responded in kind Thursday, calling her vulgar and less then clever.

    “She has made a spate of vulgar remarks unbecoming for her position everywhere she went since she was sworn in,” North Korea’s KCNA news agency quoted a foreign ministry spokesman as saying, The Washington Post reports.

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